Buzzzzzzzz. Buzzzz. Buzzz. Buzzzzzzzz. The dreaded song of the mosquito plays right by your ear and then silence. You look around for the annoying little fella, and there he is on your arm, having himself a blood buffet. If you’re like me, two seconds later your arm is swollen up like ballon, and then the itching begins. Have no fear, though, with the mosquitoes love for me and my hatred for them, I’ve had plenty of mosquito bite experiences and am going to share my remedies for mosquito bite relief with you!

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1. The Pink Lotion
When the mosquitos attack, reach for the pink lotion, aka calamine lotion. It is basically just a watered down lotion that happens to be pink and is medicated to quickly stop itching. You can get it pretty much anywhere, it’s inexpensive, and works great.
2. Aveeno Lotion
This is more or less the same as option one, just with a brand name if you are more comfortable with that. This lotion can treat a variety of issues from chicken pox rash to poison ivy, along with the insect bite relief.
3. After Bite
After Bite has been the mosquito bite cure of choice since I was a two feet tall. Its convient marker-like shape is great for camping and other travel. It applies quickly, easily, and with only a minor sting which is well worth the instantaneous itch relief.

4. Ice
If you don’t have any of the above items and are in need of some mosquito bite relief, try icing the bite. There’s a good chance you have some ice in your freezer at home or cooler if your camping, and this will help a great deal. You just wrap it in a cloth and put it on the bite. This will help relieve some of the itching for while. If you happen to have ice packs around, those would work great, too!
5. Avoid the Bites
The best mosquito bite remedy is to avoid the bites altogether. Some things I suggest are Ben’s bug dope, a Thermacell, coils, or if you’re really serious about getting rid of those pests, a propane mosquito vacuum. You can even get a bug zapper and go crazy with that! There are also a few natural mosquito deterrents out there. I have yet to try those, but I’ll keep you posted if I give them a try!