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This blog (Everyday Alaska ™) and its content, including, but not limited to, writings, information, graphics, photographs, and all other parts of this blog is owned by B.C. The work on this blog is copyright protected, and if any violation of these copyrights occurs appropriate legal actions will be taken.
Disclosure Policy
Everyday Alaska is a business, and as such makes money. Some of that money comes from advertisements or endorsements. That being said, I will not promote any products, businesses, services, ect that I do not believe in or use. I will give my honest opinion regardless of payment or whether or not the product or service was free of charge to me.
Everyday Alaska™ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
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The posts on this blog are written from experience, personal knowledge, opinion, and advice from others. I am not an expert on any of the subjects blogged about in Everyday Alaska™, thus none of the information on this blog should be taken as professional knowledge advice. I am not responsible for any issues that may come about with using the advice or information given on this blog.
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When visiting Everyday Alaska™ some of your information may be collected using cookies to analyze data, provide you with relevant advertising, and help better your experience. If at any time you do not want cookies to gather information, you are able to turn them off. Everyday Alaska™ may also use programs like Google Analytics to gather information.
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This privacy policy can be changed without notice at any time and was last updated on March 27, 2017. By visiting Everyday Alaska™ you are agreeing to all of the terms of this blog. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at everydayalaskablog@gmail.com.
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