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Please follow all State and Federal laws regarding wildlife. Please practice good wildlife etiquette by not harassing, feeding, attempting to pet or otherwise bother wildlife. Although they maybe be adorable, they are not pets, and unfortunately they don’t want to be your friend. Be sure to give them space and follow all rules regarding wildlife viewing.
Hoping to see a variety of Alaskan wildlife while visiting Alaska? Chances are, you will! Alaska has an abundance of beautiful wildlife to see on land, in the sky, and in the water. If you’re looking for some of the best wildlife viewing, Alaska is the place for you!
If you were to ask me what my favorite Alaskan animal is, I probably wouldn’t have an answer for you. I love caribou because they look so majestic and beautiful in the tundra. I love swans because they are so graceful. I love otters because they’re adorable to watch. There is really no wildlife that I don’t love, and I hope as you see these animals on your Alaska vacation you’ll come to love them as much as I do.
Alaskan Wildlife on Land
Caribou are neat animals to watch. You won’t often see them by themselves, so if you spot one be on the lookout for others since they travel in herds. Both male and female caribou have antlers. Males are called bulls, females are called cows, and their babies are called calves.
The opportunities that I’ve had to see caribou have been in Interior Alaska and on the Kenai Peninsula, although you can spot them in many other areas as well. I’ve seen them during all seasons, so no matter what time of year you get to visit Alaska, you may get a chance to spot caribou!

If seeing a moose is on your Alaska bucket list, then there is a good chance you’ll be able to check that off! Moose are in so many places in Alaska. Chances are you’ll probably see them in town walking around before you see them in the wild. Similarly to caribou, there are bulls, cows, and calves. Bulls are the only ones with antlers, which they shed and then regrow. If you’re here in spring and early summer you might see some new calves out with their mom, but stay far away and beware because mom is very protective!

Muskox are one of the coolest looking animals. I don’t know if it’s their retro, shaggy hair, or their cool horns, but they just look neat and very unique. They are called bulls, cows, and calves as well, and their coats contain hair called qiviut. Qiviut is turned into a very coveted, high quality fiber for garment making.
Chances are, you won’t get to see these guys in the wild unless your travel plans include some more remote parts of Alaska, but read on for information on a spot where you’re guaranteed to see some of these groovy creatures.
You may have similar chances of seeing a bison as you would a muskox, so if you do get the opportunity you have really lucked out! You’ll have the best chances to see them if you visit the Delta Junction or Copper River Valley areas. Interesting bison fact: my parents collect the manure from bison to use in their garden as fertilizer! I’d say that’s about as organic as you can get.
Polar bears, brown bears, black bears; it’s quite the variety. Unless you make a trip wayyyyy up north and happen to be very lucky, you won’t be seeing any polar bears, but you do have a decent chance at seeing black or brown bears depending on where you visit.
If brown and black bears are in top spots on your Alaskan wildlife bucket list, I’d highly suggest visiting Valdez. I’m definitely biased, shoutout to my hometown, but if you visit Valdez in the summer you’ll have a great chance of seeing some bears. You may even see some in town, but you’ll have an even better chance of seeing them where they can get an easy and tasty meal, which is wherever fish are spawning. Just remember that these animals are not friendly, so even if you see other people getting close to them for a picture (which some crazies will do), does not mean you should. Stay safe, and view these amazing animals from a distance, as you should with all wildlife.

I love watching dall sheep. My husband and I go to Cooper Landing on occasion to watch them, and they are incredible to see. They’re so agile, majestic, and can survive such a harsh climate, as all Alaskan wildlife must do. The males, rams, grow in large horns that can sometimes form a 360 degree circle or more if they get large enough. The females, ewes, also have horns that just stay fairly small. If you’re looking to see some lambs, they are usually born at the end of May or beginning of June, according to ADF&G.
I believe the best way to spot dall sheep is by grabbing some binoculars and/or a spotting scope and checking out the mountains around you. You never know what you’ll see!

If you are on the lookout for sheep, chances are you may get to see goats as well, and vice versa. These shaggy dwellers of rugged mountains are also mesmerizing to watch as they climb, jump, and scale dangerous terrain. You may get to see billies, nannies, and kids (baby goats) if are looking for them in the summertime.
Be on the lookout for these large, northern cats as you travel through Alaska. They are located in a variety of areas and not commonly seen, so a keen eye and a quick trigger on the camera is what you’ll need to snap a photo of these kitties.
Only recently have I had the chance to see these sly dogs. The first thing you’ll probably notice about them will be their large, fluffy tails. I’ve seen them in the fall and winter in both the Interior and the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, but you may see them in many different areas of Alaska during any season.
If you’re very lucky, you may get the chance to see a lone wolf or a pack of these predators lurking about. Whether you come in winter, summer, or anywhere in between, these giant canines will be roaming about. They’ll likely be spotted in less populated areas, but are surprisingly not afraid to come into smaller neighbors and communities as well.
With beautifully colored fur and some ferocious fangs, this honey badger of the north is a small but mighty predator. They make many areas of Alaska their home, but are not frequently seen.
Smaller Wildlife and Critters
These critters might not be the largest in the land, but they are no less important. Squirrels, hare, porcupine, and beaver are just some of the smaller sized animals you’ll likely see on your vacation, as long as you’ve got your eye out for them. They, like many of the large animals, camouflage well so keep your ears and eyes open for them. And don’t forget to look up; porcupines can climb trees! And speaking of looking up, there’s plenty of wildlife to see in the sky as well.

Alaskan Wildlife in the Sky
The all American eagle. You are almost guaranteed to see an eagle while in Alaska. Whether they’re perched in a tree waiting to swoop in on their prey or snacking on some salmon, eagles can be seen everywhere, and you’ll likely get some great opportunities to photograph them.

Sandhill cranes are a very unique looking bird. According to ADF&G, they have a large red patch covering their forehead, which will help you distinguish them in the wild. If you spot these giant birds, they will likely be flying over you or hanging out in a swampy area.
There are a variety of types of owls in Alaska. I’ve been very fortunate to see owls in Alaska on a few different occasions. Most of those times have been in fall, likely because that’s the season we’re outside most. You have to keep your eyes peeled to find these wise guys and gals because they camouflage surprisingly well.

You may hear the unique sound of a loon before you see actually see the bird itself. I’ve most often seen the common loon, which is dark black with a variety of white markings on its back. You can read about the entire variety of loons that can be seen in Alaska here. If you’d like to snap a photo of these beautiful birds, make sure you do it quickly as they will disappear by diving down beneath the surface of the water.
Your best chance at seeing these fun and quirky species out in the wild is on a glacier and wildlife cruise. No promises that you will be guaranteed to see one flying about or hanging around on the rocks with your binoculars or through your camera lens, but if you do, consider yourself quite lucky.
If you’re on the lookout to check swans off your Alaskan wildlife bucket list, you may not need to look far. Swans can often be spotted in lakes and ponds next to the road, and are hard to miss due to their large size and white feathers. You’ll likely see them in most areas of Alaska that you visit, as long as they have not migrated south yet.

Are these birds? Nope, but they’re Alaskan wildlife that you’ll unfortunately encounter in the air if you visit during any season other than winter. These pesky little insects can really leave an impression, so check out my ways to avoid getting bit and bite remedies here.
Alaskan Wildlife in Water
Between trout in lakes, salmon in rivers, and halibut in the ocean, you’re bound to see and catch a variety of fish on your Alaskan adventure. Some of these are not only neat to see, but are also delicious! Be sure you get a chance to try salmon and halibut while you’re here.
Sea Otter
For much of the marine life, your best bet for viewing them is on a glacier and wildlife cruise. As for sea otters, though, you may get to view them from walking around the harbor in Seward, Valdez, and other costal towns. These critters have the most dense fur per square inch, often can be found in large groups called rafts, and will very likely stick around for you to get a ton of photos of their adorable little faces.
There are a variety of seals in Alaska. If you are able to go on a fishing charter or wildlife cruise, keep your eyes peeled these for guys and gals as they zoom around the water.
Sea Lions
These giant and boisterous mammals are hard to miss when you’re out on the water. You’ll spot them lazing around in rocky areas as pictured below.

Dolphins and Porpoise
You may see a group of these speedy animals jetting through the water next to your boat. Check their markings to determine if they’re a dolphin, or to see which type of porpoise it is.
Belugas, humpbacks, orcas and more, whales are really a sight to see. It is more common to see belugas up north, but there is also an opportunity to see them in late summer along the Turnagain Arm. Humpback whales and occasionally orcas can be spotted on wildlife cruises. To spot them, keep an eye out for mist coming from their blowhole and gatherings of birds which will flock together over where whales are feeding.

This is definitely not a 100% comprehensive list of Alaskan wildlife, but it’ll give you a great starting point. While there’s no guarantee that you’ll see all of the Alaskan wildlife listed here, there’s a very good chance you’ll see at least a few of the animals on this list in the wild. And if you don’t see them in the wild, there are many other great opportunities to see them.
There are so many ways to see wildlife in Alaska, even if it’s not necessarily in the wild, so be sure to check out those options as well. Looking to see big game, little critters, and birds? Check out the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center! Interested in viewing marine wildlife? Take a trip to the Alaska SeaLife Center! Hoping to learn about muskox? Visit the Muskox Farm! And don’t forget to visit The Alaska Zoo!
Let me know what’s on your Alaskan wildlife bucket list in the comments!